Title 1
Wittenburg Elementary School will be a nurturing instructional community of high student expectations for:
- good character
- hard academic work
- peaceful problem-solving
- differentiated academic and mental health support for students
and high staff expectations for:
- positive self-motivation
- care and concern for students and each other
- strategic professional development
- positive problem solving
- high academic and behavior standards for students
Wittenburg Motto: Wittenburg Wildcats care, share and do our best!
Wittenburg Elementary School (WES) staff believe that the education of children is an ongoing
cooperative partnership between home and school. Our school qualifies as a Title I School because of the percentage of students receiving free or reduced lunch is higher than the district average. As a title 1 school, WES receives some federal funding for supplies and materials and parent engagement activities. A Title I plan to spend this money is created with input from staff and parents at the beginning of every school year. The Title I Plan is approved at the beginning of the school year with input from the school improvement team.